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Destruction of your Own Country Through Disease – How-to Guide

I am at a state of shock if I think too much into what I think might be occurring right before our eyes in the United States. Let me describe it this way – imagine, if you wanted to purposely cause a crisis in this country, here is a plan that could be successful:

  1. Purposely leave the borders open and be lax on enforcing immigration laws
    1. Couple this with a future planned amnesty plan, this adds hundreds of thousands of people dependent on entitlement programs, will add to the deficit, strengthens socialism, and adds hundreds of thousands of people to the democratic voter base.
  2. As these illegals enter the country, do not screen them for diseases (Chicken Pox, Enterovirus, TB, Swine Flu, Dengue, etc.)
  3. Distribute (with no documentation) all these disease carrying people all across the United States right in time for the new school year or winter time.

  4. While the Ebola epidemic in Africa continues to grow, do not restrict air travel to and from those disease-stricken countries.  In fact, purposely send troops to get infected and then return to spread the disease.  Also, bring back any other infected Americans.  The idea is to import the disease.
  5. Note to hospitals – If anyone shows symptoms and admits they just came from Africa, let him/her free with a few prescriptions and do not raise any red flags.  Let that person intermingle with as many people as possible.
    1. Once the initial Ebola patient is identified, to faciliate the spread Ebola the quickest, mishandle initial quaranteens and decontaminations.
  6. Due to public fear and demand, fast track an Ebola vaccine you’ve been working on years in advance, that will cause even more hidden health complications.

I think that is a pretty good plan to cause self-inflicted wounds.  So while the CDC enforces vaccinations on us and the TSA sticks their hands down our pants and questions our shampoo and baby bottles, illegals and folks flying in from diseased countries get a free pass and are encouraged/welcome to join us.  Flight embargos seem like the no-brainer first step to take but not to the folks we pay to be in charge.

Here’s a thought – What’s stopping terrorists from sending Ebola infected people by plane (with proper documentation) and foot (from Mexico) and purposely spreading the disease?  There’s nothing our government could do to stop that.  Using people as biological weapons is almost impossible to defend against.

In any case, before I end, is it just coincidental, but did you notice what was placed on the Georgia Guidestones recently?  That’s bizzare.  Look it up.


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Gay Marriage – Why Does it Concern You?

There’s been a wave of stories in the media concerning gay marriage or general homosexual disdainment. Every so often, there is a mainstream story concerning someone offended by gays/lesbians. I just have trouble understanding why we need to spend so much energy towards preventing behavior that is different from ours, especially if that behavior doesn’t impede on any other person’s freedoms. It’s bigotry at its finest. Someone’s sex life, who they fall in love with, or whom they decide to marry has no affect on anyone else. So let us banish our bigotry and open our hearts and minds to accept all kinds of people and appreciate that they cherish someone else in life, even if it is someone of the same sex. In any case, why does it concern you anyway? Let’s bury this social issue and focus our energy on other important things.

Gay marriage is a topic that is worth one paragraph of debate before it’s done. I was going to end the blog there and call it a day. However, for those bigots that will hold the bible up in the air and strike down homesexuality just because the bible says it is wrong, this is for you – Where’s your tolerance? Where’s your compassion? Why judge others? Doesn’t the bible teach those things? While we’re at it, besides homosexuality, here’s a list of some other things the bible says we ought not do:

1. Leviticus 11:7-8 – No eating pork
2. Leviticus 19:28 – No tattoos
3. Leviticus 19:16 – No gossiping
4. Mark 10:11-12 – No re-marriage
5. Exodus 31:14-15 – No working on the Sabbath (or be put to death)
6. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 – Women can’t speak in church
7. Leviticus 10-11 – Do not eat crustaceans
8. Deuteronomy 22:20-21 – Fornication
9. Leviticus 19:28 – Do not trim hair/beard
10. Leviticus 19:19 – Do not wear clothes from 2 different materials.

So why do Catholics, Christians, Baptist, etc. focus on a Bible verse that expresses dissaproval of homosexuality and not others? In fact, how much of the Bible do most people truly abide by? How deep are their devotions?

The bottom line is that the teachings of the Bible are based on love. Matthew 22:39 says to love your neighbor. Let’s focus on that verse, which trumps the ones about homosexuality.

Marriage is a social construct for which some of our laws, social policies, and various benefits are based on. We have to allow gay couples the ability to marry, not only because we understand love has no boundaries, but because they are allowed the social benefits and recognition that married couples inherit.

As older generations are replaced and we evolve, tolerance will grow.  At least here’s a start:

pope - gay clergy


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Convenient Fib

Brrr… It sure is cold this winter (for most of us). Very odd considering all the global warming hysteria. I mean look at this poor camel in Egypt after it snowed for the first time in over 100 years:

camel in cario snow


In 2006, Al Gore, you released the documentary Inconvenient Truth. It predicted a grave future for the world due to anthropogenic global warming. Your argument was convincing. However, almost 10 years has passed and it’s about time we start validating your predictions. The troubling issue for you is that current experiences are not inline with your predictions. For instance, let’s look at your most iconic vision of the ice caps melting. Checking in on our ice caps, this is what we see:

MoS2 Template Master


Another major issue is that you can’t stay consistent with your mantra. You ask all of us to live a more conservative and considerate lifestyle to combat climate change, while you live in a resource-eating hog of a house, ocean-side no less. Either you are willing to sacrifice yourself first when the ocean level rises or you simply can’t practice what you preach.


But the real problem Al Gore is that you taint yourself and your message by making major investments in companies and technology involved in “fixing” global warming. You stand to make a windfall of profits if the policies you are lobbying for and convincing the world are needed are put into place. You may turn out to be 100% correct, but it doesn’t matter as you had to muddy the waters by making investments to the proposed solution you are trying to sell.



I understand in some places in the U.S. (e.g. west coast) had a warm winter while the rest of the U.S. was in a deep freeze , but the truth is that the earth has been undergoing climate change way before our time. There are elements of nature (e.g. solar cycles) that are beyond our control, which influence our climate. The climate is always in flux. Riding the natural “warm” cycle while claiming it is man-made is clever. It’s nearly impossible to prove it’s man-made or not, while cherry-picking evidence of warm spots implants fear and uncertainty – a recipe to perpetually sell a solution.  How about I pick out a few places like the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls where it is abnormally cold and claim man-made global cooling?  It’s easy to make the argument with some dramitic photos:



So how long do we let you keep preaching (and making money) about the man-made global warming theory before it’s decided that you are right or wrong?  You should establish a date (2020?) for which we make a final verdict on your hypothesis and if you are wrong, the maintream media should bury your name forever in the arctic ice you claimed should have melted, as you will go down as one of the biggest con-artist of our time.  If you want people to change, there needs to be real tangible evidence of man-made global warming and consequences felt.  Until it is at least 75% convincing, you need to find another job.

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CNN Explores Conspiracy Theories

So CNN, more specifically, Don Lemon, seriously considers many far-fetched “conspiracy theories” as possible explanations for what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight 370 – for instance a black hole opened and sucked in the plane.  Take a look:

Well, I guess we should commend him for having an open mind and spending a few minutes exploring some possibilities. What is odd though, is given this precedent, why not explore more plausible “conspiracy theories” for other historical or current events.  For instance, why don’t you spend some time discussing the possibility that WTC Building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition?  Here, show this to your viewers and let them ponder the possibilities.

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Obamacare – What Did You Expect?

healthcare website down

If anyone expected Obamacare to be a great savior for our society, then I hope it is a wake-up call for those who believe a government-run program is worth anything. The initial roll-out was a disaster. Enrollment was lackluster. Like any government run program, it was costly to implement and it was plagued with so many issues that if a company launched such a poor product, it would immediately go bankrupt.  Just wait and see the technical issues that will be awaken when people actually try to start using their insurance.  The back-end of the system and interfaces are surely to be a mess.

Nonetheless, whether we like it or not, we’re all forced to buy the product.  This is exactly why the product itself does not have to impress or attract demand.  Why put any effort to develop the product if you knew people were forced to buy it regardless of its need or worth?

But at this point in time, we should all be good little citizens and embrace what has been bestowed upon us.  If we’re to do that, let me describe what everyone should expect from socialized medicine.

The “Government” doesn’t produce anything.  They can only take from others and re-distribute. In universal health-care, all citizens that can contribute, must throw their money into a pot. Whatever money is finally collected is what can then be used for the entire group for health care. The program assumes there are more people contributing than not. Once more people expect to take from the pot than contribute, the system is on its way to breaking down.

Moreover, socialized medicine depends on young healthy individuals to support the overall system.

These young individuals must represent the largest contributors or the system breaks.  Since young people are less likely to have health issues until much later in life, it’s imperative that they throw their money into the pot. Young people, you must pay into the program and keep yourself healthy. It’s your duty to support the old, poor, and/or those that lack the willpower to keep themselves healthy.  Not fair you say?  Well, when you’re 50 and need healthcare, the program will be there to pay your health tab.  If this sounds like a ponzi scheme, it’s because it sort of is one.

And for those that can afford healthcare, you must pay. Not only pay for yourself, but also pay a portion to cover the healthcare costs of those that cannot afford it.  How else did you think people would get free healthcare.

Since we’re being honest here, let’s talk about how to really make this marxist program work the way it was designed.  It boils down to ensuring enough people pay into the pool and not a single person takes out more than what they are worth. If you’re going to go through with socialized medicine, you might as well do it right and not skirt around politically incorrectness:

  1. Review boards (“Death Panels”) must be necessary as the system cannot afford an 80 year old person on life-support to suck all the money from the pot. It just doesn’t make sense
  2. If you cannot afford healthcare and depend on the system, you need to gain approval before becoming pregnant. For the greater good, we cannot afford more births into poor families to burden the system. Forced sterilization may need to be explored if there is threat to the stability of the health-care system.
  3. Mandatory drug testing. Failed drug test raises your premiums and/or cancels your health care benefits.  At some point, self-affliction cannot be tolerated.
  4. Alcohol, tobacco, and sugar purchases will be tracked and raise your premiums. Perhaps track and impose limitations on those products.
  5. Per individual, health care coverage to be capped (yearly) in proportion to the amount that the individual contributes.  You cannot have a small group of poor people consuming a large percentage of the pool.
  6. As like car insurance, the more you use your insurance the higher your premium will rise. The less you use it, the lower your premium becomes.  Wreck-less individuals are bound to lose their insurance benefits.
  7. Genetic testing of  couples wishing to have babies should be done to gauge the risk factor of the newborn. High risks persons should not be allowed to procreate or else be prepared to pay increased premiums.

If the above sounds communist, it’s because Socialism is a short step away from Communism.  For the system to work better, the more you have to move towards Communism.   In fact, Hitler’s purge of undesirables was done under the auspicious of his universal health care system.  He just had the “balls” to do what such a system requires.  Just like any other type of insurance ponzi scheme, you cannot expect everyone to cash in (take from the pool) all at once.  It must be highly regulated, controlled, and restricted.  Or else, at some point, the pool will run dry.  Individual freedoms must be lost/curtailed for the greater good.

It seems inhumane to talk in these terms, but for such a system to really work as everyone expects, human emotion/empathy has to be removed in favor of a heartless, but practical system. Free healthcare comes with a price, that of which no one wants to discuss. But this utopia mindset is the beginning of the issues.

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Life can be cruel; there are no guarantees. None of us are entitled to health-care, happiness, or a cell phone for that matter. We are only entitled to pursue such things. People must start to take accountability for their actions and health.  You cannot expect to not exercise, drink, smoke, have a poor diet, and take part of risky behavior and expect someone else to pay for your health-care costs. In socialized medicine, one person’s poor decision assumes another person will make a wise decision to balance the system.  In such a system, we can’t all make poor decisions or else it breaks.  A socialized medicine program is only as strong as the average employment rate, average wage, and the average overall health of the participants. Unfortunately, our nation has high unemployment, low wages, and our health is poor. This equates to overall weak universal health-care provisions for all.  For things to improve, those poor unhealthy individuals who depend on the system most, must improve their situation, but we all know there’s no incentive to do so.  Until then, the system will be low quality and fail to meet expectations.

Pay for my new liver.

Hey you – Pay for my new liver

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Why Obama Won the Election

obama 2013

Obama was recently sworn in for his second term of his US presidency. During the presidential race, so much time was wasted by the political pundits trying to predict winners and then analyze results, that it’s really simple and easy to explain why Obama would be and is the eventual winner:

  1. He is a major political party candidate. This automatically garners you the die-hard (close-minded) democratic base who will vote for any warm-body voted to be their candidate. Their bigotry will allow you to automatically receive their votes before any debates or campaigns even begin.
  2. He is African American decent and is “black enough” to pretty much guarantee 99% of all black voters. I’m sure he nearly received 100% of black women voters.  (if you’re offended, keep reading as it gets better).
  3. He is bi-racial and “white enough” to not scare off white people, but in fact empower them to prove they are not racist and to feel trendy by supporting and voting for Obama. You combine this with the fact that he is fairly young and energetic, he pretty much locks up a majority of the young white vote.
  4. Since he is bi-racial, he automatically garners support from other non-white ethnic groups (e.g. Hispanics) who will mostly provide automatic support to other fellow minority candidates  (for good measure, it helps when you promise amnesty for illegals).
  5. Entitlement programs are on the rise and there are more Americans than ever receiving some form of government assistance. There are 47 million citizens receiving government handouts.  This number has risen the most while Obama has been the president. And what better strategy to secure re-election by increasing the number of people dependent on you.  This was done deliberately. Socialism wins you the votes of those who receive its benefits.

I found many varying statistics, but in general, Obama received ~66 million votes to win the 2012 election (receiving ~51% of the vote).  The following sample results corroborates the above 5 points (I’m assuming other states’ results are more or less in-line).


2012 Voter Demographic Statistics (from 9 battleground states)

Gender Voted for Barack Obama Voted for Mitt Romney
Women 55 % 39 %
Men 44 % 52 %
White 37 % 59 %
Black 93 % 4 %
Hispanic 71 % 24 %
Asian 73 % 22 %
18 – 29 60 % 35 %
30 – 44 52 % 41 %
45 – 64 42 % 51 %
65 + 38 % 56 %
Under $30,000 63 % 31 %
$30,000 – $49,000 57 % 39 %
$50,000 + 42 % 53 %
$100,000 + 38 % 54 %
Voter Registration
Democrat 92 % 4 %
Independent 42 % 50 %
Republican 3 % 93 %
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Happy Voting

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Election 2012 – 3rd party

It’s a travesty this isn’t in the mainstream. It only proves the media is a shill.

3rd party candidate debate:

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No Brainer – Plastic – Make It All Bio/Plant Based

Now here’s a really dumb question – why do we still use plastic? At what point do we realize we have to stop creating it?  Is it in another 50 years, when we start seeing it float in our favorite rivers/streams or when our landfills overflow? Since I was in grade school, we were told it doesn’t bio-degrade. Why wasn’t this glaring issue of plastic never breaking down ever addressed before it was mass produced.

Well now we have a “plastic” ocean, which we can credit ourselves for creating.  It comprises of cheap and toxic things we love to buy at WalleyWorld – plastic beads, plastic pellets, plastic bags, plastic chairs, plastic utensils, plastic packaging, plastic bottles, plastic toys, plastic surgery.  All needs to go. Well, we’ll just keep one thing, but that’s the only exception:

Besides a red Solo cup, why do we bother creating more and more plastic things? I would think our sophisticated 21st century collective minds could take maybe 10 minutes to think it over and do what’s right, by deciding to stop using any plastic materials that doesn’t easily bio-degrade. It’s that simple.
Let’s start small. Outlaw any traditional plastic items meant for one-time use – e.g. plastic packaging, bottles, utensils, bags, etc.   Instead, let’s decide to use bioplastic or plant-based plastics (hemp anyone?), which will biodegrade/compost quickly.  It’s really that easy.  I’m sure we have the technology. So let’s forego the ancient methods of creating plastic. We’re wiser now and can improve on this old technology.

Or we can figure out a way to collect all the plastic garbage floating in our oceans, transport it, load it onto space shuttles, and dump the trash outside our outermost atmosphere. We have to make sure it’s far away enough that the earth’s gravitational pull doesn’t pull it back into our atmosphere. That would be embarrassing. Out of sight, out of mind.  Now that is a genius and classy decision. We could bring back NASA. I should run for president.

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Top 10 Funniest Movies

Funny movies, at least for me, relieve stress and bring happiness. There’s nothing like a few good laughs to put you in the right spirit. I figured I share a few of my favorite comedies. If you haven’t seen some of these, you can keep them in mind for the next time you are looking for a good laugh.  I spent about 5 minutes compiling this list, figuring my favorite comedies would be the ones most prevalent in my head.  In no particular order:

1. Hangover

2. Dumb and Dumber

3. Jackass 3

4. American Pie
5. Wedding Crashers
6. 40-year Old Virgin
7. Tommy Boy
8. Billy Madison
9. Anchorman
10. Tropic Thunder
I couldn’t resist….
11. Role Models